
Kamala Harris and Donald Trump Clash in Inaugural Presidential Debate Ahead of 2024 Elections

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump Clash in Inaugural Presidential Debate Ahead of 2024 Elections
Tristan Veldsman Sep 12 2024


As the 2024 general elections loom on the horizon, the inaugural presidential debate between Democratic candidate Kamala Harris and Republican candidate Donald Trump captured the nation's attention. Held in Philadelphia on September 10, just eight weeks before the elections, this debate marked a significant milestone in the campaign. Both candidates took to the stage to present their visions and policies, engaging in a spirited exchange on a range of issues that are critical to voters.

The Debate's Atmosphere

The anticipation for the debate was palpable, with voter interest and media coverage reaching a fever pitch. This was the first in-person confrontation between Harris and Trump, adding an extra layer of excitement and intensity. The venue in Philadelphia was filled with a dynamic mixture of supporters, analysts, and journalists, all eager to witness this key event on the campaign trail. The atmosphere was electric, underscoring the high stakes and the importance of the upcoming November elections.

Main Issues Addressed

Main Issues Addressed

The candidates tackled a plethora of topics during the debate, each aiming to convince the American public of their ability and vision to lead the nation. Key issues included the economy, healthcare, and national security. Harris laid out her plans to bolster the economy by investing in green energy and technology, while Trump emphasized his track record of economic growth and job creation. The discussion grew particularly heated on healthcare, with Harris advocating for expanded access and affordability, contrasting sharply with Trump's stance on maintaining the current system with minor adjustments. National security also took center stage, reflecting the candidates' differing approaches to international relations and defense policies. Harris emphasized diplomacy and alliances, while Trump focused on a strong military presence and putting 'America First'.

The Economy

The economic dialogue was marked by sharp contrasts in vision and policy. Harris highlighted her commitment to a sustainable future, proposing significant investments in green technology and renewable energy. She argued that these investments would not only address climate change but also create millions of high-paying jobs. In contrast, Trump pointed to his past achievements, citing record-low unemployment rates and robust economic growth during his previous term. He advocated for continued deregulation and tax cuts to further stimulate the economy. The candidates' opposing economic philosophies presented voters with a clear choice between forward-looking sustainability and traditional economic approaches.


Healthcare remains a perennial issue of vital importance to American voters, and the debate underscored this. Harris argued passionately for a reformed healthcare system that would provide universal access and reduce costs. Her plan includes expanding Medicare and negotiating drug prices to make healthcare more affordable for all citizens. Trump, while acknowledging issues within the current system, argued against sweeping reforms, advocating instead for incremental changes that would preserve the existing structure while addressing its flaws. This stark contrast underscored a fundamental difference in philosophy between the two candidates, reflecting broader party lines.

National Security and International Relations

National security and foreign policy were also hotly debated topics. Harris emphasized the importance of international alliances and diplomatic efforts, criticizing Trump's often adversarial approach to foreign relationships. She argued that America's strength lies in its ability to lead collaboratively on the world stage. Trump, on the other hand, reiterated his 'America First' stance, advocating for strong military capabilities and a more unilateral approach to international challenges. He highlighted his administration's success in defeating ISIS and negotiating peace deals in the Middle East as evidence of his effective leadership.

Public Reaction

The debate provoked diverse reactions from the public and analysts. Supporters of each candidate praised their respective performances, with Democrats lauding Harris's poise and clarity, while Republicans celebrated Trump's assertiveness and track record. Independent voters and undecided citizens, however, were left with much to ponder as they witnessed firsthand the stark contrasts between the candidates' visions. Analysts predict that this debate will significantly influence voter sentiment as the election day approaches.



In this pivotal inaugural debate, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump clearly laid out their differing visions for the future of the United States. By addressing key issues such as the economy, healthcare, and national security, they provided voters with critical insights into their policy priorities and leadership styles. This debate has set the stage for an intense and crucial election season, with both candidates eagerly vying to secure the American public's trust and votes in the weeks leading up to the November 5 elections.