Rulani Mokwena Breaks Silence on TS Galaxy Lawsuit and Mbombela Stadium Chaos

Rulani Mokwena Breaks Silence on TS Galaxy Lawsuit and Mbombela Stadium Chaos
Tristan Veldsman May 22 2024

Chaotic Scenes at Mbombela Stadium

The recent match between Mamelodi Sundowns and TS Galaxy at Mbombela Stadium will be remembered not only for its dramatic conclusion but also for the chaotic and tense incidents that unfolded. The game, which ended in a 1-1 draw, brought Sundowns one step closer to potentially becoming the first team in South African history to finish the DStv Premiership season unbeaten. However, what should have been a celebration of football turned into a spectacle marred by disputes and legal threats.

Accusations Fly as Emotions Run High

Following the game, Sundowns' coach Rulani Mokwena voiced his frustration over the conduct of TS Galaxy's coach, Sead Ramovic. Mokwena claimed that in an earlier fixture, Ramovic had instructed his players to target and injure Sundowns midfielder Bongani Zungu. This claim fuelled the already building tensions between the two teams and resulted in TS Galaxy filing a lawsuit against Mokwena, accusing him of defamation. The atmosphere was charged, and both teams struggled to maintain composure on the pitch.

Mokwena did not hold back in expressing his thoughts about the opposition. He described how disheartening it was to witness such 'disrespect' from TS Galaxy. 'I don't enjoy playing against them,' he admitted, signalling a deeper rift between the two clubs. His forthright comments reflected the emotional toll the situation had taken on him and his players. The lawsuit, however, was met with a staunch refusal to engage in a public debate. 'Let's meet in court,' Mokwena firmly stated, choosing to address the matter through legal channels rather than in the press.

Praise for Player Resilience Amid Turmoil

Despite the off-field controversies, Mokwena was quick to commend his players for their determination and resilience. The match against TS Galaxy was not just physically demanding but also an emotional battle. The Sundowns squad had to navigate the pressure of maintaining their unbeaten record while dealing with the palpable hostility from their opponents. Mokwena's praise was a testament to the hard work and dedication of his team, who managed to secure a crucial draw under trying circumstances.

The match's intensity was evident from the first whistle. Both teams displayed moments of brilliance, but the underlying animosity threatened to boil over at several points. Referees had a tough task in keeping the game under control, issuing multiple yellow cards to diffuse the frequent flare-ups between players. It was a game of not just skill but of mental fortitude, with Sundowns' ability to stay focused proving to be a key factor in their overall performance.

Legal Battles Ahead

The lawsuit filed by TS Galaxy adds another layer to the unfolding drama. Accusations of defamation are serious, and this legal battle could have significant implications for both Mokwena and the reputation of Mamelodi Sundowns. It remains to be seen how the courts will rule, but Mokwena's confident demeanour suggests he believes in the validity of his claims. For now, the spotlight remains on the legal process that will unfold in the coming weeks.

Such disputes are not unfamiliar in the world of competitive sports, where emotions often run high, and allegations can escalate rapidly. The case between Mokwena and TS Galaxy underlines the fine line between competitive fervour and overstepping professional boundaries. As both sides prepare their cases, the football community will be watching closely, not just for the outcome of the lawsuit but also for its broader impact on sportsmanship and integrity in South African football.

Mokwena's Steadfast Dedication

In the face of these challenges, Rulani Mokwena's commitment to his team has been unwavering. His focus remains on guiding Mamelodi Sundowns through the remainder of the season, with an eye on making history by completing an invincible campaign. Mokwena's leadership style, characterized by its intensity and passion, has been instrumental in driving the team to its current success.

The coach's remarks about not enjoying matches against TS Galaxy signal a deeper contemplation of sportsmanship and respect among competing teams. While rivalries are an essential element of any sport, maintaining respect and professionalism is crucial. Mokwena's experience underscores the importance of these values, even amid fierce competition. As Sundowns continue their quest for an unbeaten season, Mokwena’s guidance will be pivotal.

Looking Ahead

As the season progresses, the ramifications of this incident will likely continue to be felt. Supporters of Mamelodi Sundowns and TS Galaxy will no doubt have firm opinions on the matter, fueling the ongoing debate. The court case will potentially add another chapter to this story, and its outcome could set a precedent for how similar disputes are handled in the future.

For now, both teams have to navigate the remaining fixtures with these events fresh in their minds. The pressure to perform on the field while dealing with off-field distractions is immense. Yet, this is the nature of professional sports, where the boundary between triumph and controversy is often thin. The saga of Mamelodi Sundowns versus TS Galaxy is far from over, and as it unfolds, it sheds light on the multifaceted challenges faced by football clubs beyond just the games they play.


The incident at Mbombela Stadium is a reminder of the unpredictable and often turbulent world of football. Coaches like Rulani Mokwena and Sead Ramovic not only lead their teams on the pitch but also navigate the high-stakes realm of public and professional scrutiny. As both sides prepare to face each other in court, the football community watches with bated breath. Regardless of the legal outcome, the resilience and determination shown by the players amid these challenges remain a commendable highlight of the beautiful game.